Winters Center for Autism is a new non-profit organization with a big vision. As such, community volunteers are a crucial part of our mission and its success. We welcome and rely on support of volunteers of ages 16 and over to join our team to help communicate our message of acceptance, work closely with individuals we serve and assist with various programs and events. Community members can donate their gift of time on a regular weekly schedule or just intermittently for specific projects. The Center offers family members, community supporters, students and aspiring professionals looking to make a difference while gaining rewarding opportunities to work with some amazing people.
College students and young professionals interested in a truly supported learning experience may choose to work with staff in various areas of the Center operations. Those seeking increased knowledge of the Autism Spectrum, may choose to spend time with our members to develop a greater understanding of intricacies of Autism. Students may also choose to work on other projects, such as communications and marketing. While these areas do not include working hands on with our participants, students will gain knowledge of how to effectively fundraise for the autism community and promote awareness through outreach campaigns.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at Winters Center for Autism, please contact Tami at 631-810-3653 or [email protected]